Our Programs
Cityscape Updates with Flare

Merging landscape design and visuals arts, we stimulate immediate scenery. We bring color, art, and plantings to renew vitality in the views of everyday commutes. Finding and making spots for raised flowerbeds is our specialty but planting trees, shrubs, and grasses is also within our scope. We thoughtfully design and place plant life in communities companioned with artistic mediums. Arranging neighborhood color schemes in unison with town, park and recreation department guidelines is something we constantly balance.
With neighborhood approval, we paint public fixtures with solid colors or designs and plant flowerbeds or other herbage depending on acceptance. Half of the work we put into this vision adds up in the planning and approval process. Tools we employ to convey ideas involve sketches, models, graphic design, and blueprints. The better our representation of ideas, the easier it is for others to see our vision and approve or tweak aspects for an additional review.
To increase our impact, Divine P.U.T. partners with the Divine P.U.T. Growth & Expansion Foundation to assist with creative infrastructure and large landscape projects. Approximately 50% of our time will be devoted to invigorating community scenery.

In Our Neighborhoods
In order to create communities where everyone feels like they belong, we facilitate community events and projects.
Every month on the 22nd, we give individuals free plants to transplant into their yards.
Every month on the 11th we set up a blank wall or pavement and everyone paints it together. Sometimes we paint wooden pieces and build a structure together.
Divine P.U.T. volunteers, including those from the military community, are welcomed in all projects, symbolizing their integral role in our mission. We aim to devote significant time to encouraging community involvement, with a special emphasis on engaging and honoring those who have served our nation. Volunteers working on a project, are allowed to be given a Divine P.U.T. T-shirt and play a part. Approximately 50% of our time will be devoted to encouraging community involvement.